
These photos are courtesy of Tracy and were taken at Caliente Lakeside Resort in June 2011.  The name on the photo is incorrect and apologies are extended.

California Bighorn sheep

The sheep visit Caliente Lakeside Resort frequently but tend to stay high on the hills overlooking the resort and lake.  To see more of the California sheep, visit this blog page for their visit in the area last year.

California Bighorn watches his herd

There are several sheep in the herd that calls this side of Kamloops Lake home.  This one is a male (ram), one of many in the herd and is standing watch over them. 

Sheep drinking lake water

They have a great source of water in the Kamloops Lake. They are timid and are going to get to the water following a quiet path to avoid those who are visiting the resort.

Curious California Bighorn Sheep
The sheep will blend right into the hillside and are difficult to see from a distance.  It looks like the hillside is moving as the herd make their way across it.  These great photo's of Tracy's are taken from quite a distance with the zoom lense.

Two California bighorns
The way these two are standing side by side almost makes it look like they're one with two heads.  They seem to keep their herd together and are not likely to be found alone.

Bald headed eagle
Eagles prefer to build their nest is trees without foliage so you will often find them perched in trees like this one.  There is more information about the bald headed eagle if you click on this link.

Bald headed eagle - close-up

The expression can be seen of this beautiful eagle in this photo that Tracy was able to get.  He is keeping a watchful eye on his surroundings, likely to protect the nearby nest. 

Assorted water fowl live in the area
Kamloops Lake has a large assortment of visitors from birdland and you can see more of them when you visit this page about the Tranquille Wildlife Management area down the lake from Caliente Lakeside Resort.

A portrait of a California Bighorn Sheep
Tracy has taken some wonderful pictures of some of the wildlife and birds in the area and we thank her for sharing them with us.